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Spatial synchrony of population dynamics in response to perturbations (...)

Par Pierre Quévreux (post-doctorant, UR LISC, INRAE Clermont-Ferrand).

Titre complet: Spatial synchrony of population dynamics in response to perturbations in trophic metacommunities

Ecosystem stability strongly depends on spatial aspects since localised perturbations spread across an entire region through species dispersal. Here, we consider a metacommunity model consisting of two food chains connected by dispersal and we review the various mechanisms governing the transmission of small perturbations affecting populations in the vicinity of equilibrium. First, we describe how perturbations propagate in a simple homogeneous metacommunity with passive dispersal. Then, we discuss the mechanisms susceptible to alter synchrony patterns such as density-depend dispersal or spatial heterogeneity. By disentangling the main mechanisms governing synchrony, our metacommunity model provides a broad insight into the consequences of spacial aspects on food web stability.


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