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No borders in the Force

Agroforestry in Hungary - Veronika Honfy (NARIC, Hongrie)

Although the word ’agroforestry’ is new to Hungarian farmers, many of them are aware of its concept, for most of them remember how their parents, or grandparents used to farm. Traces of wood pastures, flood-based agriculture, shelterbelt systems and even alley cropping can still be found in the Hungarian landscape, among some thriving homegardens. They all urge actions before they fade for all. In the light of sustaniable agriculture, and the problems in the rural areas, attention has been drawn to the achievemnts of international agroforestry research. The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture has launced agroforestry research in 2014 and the work has started at NARIC FRI, at the Department of Plantation Forestry.

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