Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.
Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.
Abonnement Newsletter
Luc Barbaro
Je suis CR (HDR) à l’INRA - INP Toulouse (UMR Dynafor) et chercheur associé à l’équipe CoMaC, MNHN Paris (UMR Cesco).
Je suis biogéographe et écologue de la conservation et j’étudie les communautés d’oiseaux, d’insectes et de chiroptères dans les paysages forestiers en mosaïque. Je cherche en particulier à relier la conservation des oiseaux et chauves-souris insectivores au service écosystémique qu’ils fournissent aux forêts et aux agrosystèmes en régulant les insectes défoliateurs. Je privilégie les approches au niveau des communautés et par les traits de vie pour étudier les effets des changements d’habitats et de paysages sur les communautés d’oiseaux et de chiroptères.. J’encadre actuellement la thèse d’Alexis Laforge, qui étudie l’effet de la fragmentation des paysages par le réseau routier sur les communautés de chauves-souris, en utilisant des enregistrements acoustiques passifs à large échelle.
Publications récentes :
Barbaro L., Allan E., Ampoorter E., Castagneyrol B., Charbonnier Y., De Wandeler H., Kerbiriou C., Milligan H.T., Vialatte A., Carnol M., Deconchat M., De Smedt P., Jactel H., Koricheva J., Le Viol I., Muys B., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Verheyen K., van der Plas F. 2019 Biotic predictors complement models of bat and bird responses to climate and tree diversity in European forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286: 20182193.
Baeten L., Bruelheide H., van der Plas F., Kampach S., Ratcliffe S., Jucker T., Allan E., Ampoorter E., Barbaro L., Bastias C.C., Bauhus J., Benavides R., Bonal D., Bouriaud O., Bussotti F., Carnol M., Castagneyrol B., Charbonnier Y., et al. 2019 Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 733–744.
Andrieu E., Cabanettes A., Bouget C., Alignier A., van Halder I., Archaux F., Barbaro L., Deconchat M. et al. 2018 Edge contrast does not modulate edge effect on plants and pollinators. Basic and Applied Ecology, 27: 83-95.
van der Plas F., Ratcliffe S., Ruiz-Benito P., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Verheyen K., Wirth C., Zavala M.A., Ampoorter E., Baeten L., Barbaro L., Bastias C.C. et al. 2018 Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealized potential for forest multifunctionality. Ecology Letters 21: 31-42.
Brockerhoff E.G., Barbaro L., Castagneyrol B., Forrester D.I., Gardiner B., Gonzalez J.R., Lyver P.O.B., Meurisse N., Oxbrough A., Taki H., Thompson I.D., van der Plas F., Jactel H. 2017 Forest biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services. Biodiversity & Conservation 26: 3005-3035.
​Castagneyrol B., Bonal D., Damien M., Jactel H., Meredieu C., Muiruri E.W., Barbaro L. 2017 Bottom-up and top-down effects of tree species diversity on leaf insect herbivory. Ecology and Evolution 7: 3520–3531.
Barbaro L., Rusch A., Muiruri E.W., Gravellier B., Thiéry D., Castagneyrol B. 2017 Avian pest control in vineyards is driven by interactions between bird functional diversity and landscape heterogeneity. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 500-508.
van Halder I., Thierry M., Villemey A., Ouin A., Archaux F., Barbaro L., Balent G., Benot M.L. 2017 Trait-driven responses of grassland butterflies to habitat quality and matrix composition in mosaic agricultural landscapes. Insect Conservation and Diversity 10: 64-77.
Charbonnier Y., Barbaro L., Barnagaud J.Y., Ampoorter E., Nezan J., Verheyen K., Jactel H. 2016 Bat and bird diversity along independent gradients of latitude and tree composition in European forests. Oecologia 182: 529–537.
Terraube J., Archaux F., Deconchat M., van Halder I., Jactel H., Barbaro L. 2016 Forest edges have high conservation value for bird communities in mosaic landscapes. Ecology and Evolution 6: 5178–5189.
​van der Plas F., Manning P., Allan E., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Verheyen K., Wirth C., Zavala M.A., Hector A., Ampoorter E., Baeten L., Barbaro L., Bauhus J., Benavides R., Benneter A., Berthold F., Bonal D. et al. 2016 ‘Jack-of-all-trades’ effects drive biodiversity - ecosystem multifunctionality relationships in European forests. Nature Communications 7: 11109.
van der Plas F., Manning P., Soliveres S., Allan E., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Verheyen K., Wirth C., Zavala M.A., Ampoorter E., Baeten L., Barbaro L., Bauhus J., Benavides R., Benneter A., Bonal D. et al. 2016 Biotic homogenization can decrease landscape-scale forest multifunctionality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 113: 3557-3562.
Charbonnier Y., Gaüzère P., van Halder I., Nezan J., Barnagaud J.Y., Jactel H., Barbaro L. 2016 Deciduous trees increase bat diversity at stand and landscape scales in mosaic pine plantations. Landscape Ecology 31: 291-300.
Barbaro L., Blache S., Trochard G., Arlaud C., de Lacoste N., Kayser Y. 2016 Hierarchical habitat selection by Eurasian pygmy owls Glaucidium passerinum in old-growth forests of the southern French Prealps. Journal of Ornithology 157: 333-342.
van Halder I., Barnagaud J.Y., Jactel H., Barbaro L. 2015 Woodland habitat quality prevails over fragmentation for shaping butterfly diversity in deciduous forest remnants. Forest Ecology and Management 357: 171-180.
Villemey A., van Halder I., Ouin A., Barbaro L., Chenot J., Tessier P., Calatayud F., Martin H., Roche P., Archaux F. 2015 Mosaic of grasslands and woodlands is more effective than habitat connectivity to conserve butterflies in French farmland. Biological Conservation 191: 206-215.
Jactel H., Barbaro L., Brockerhoff E.G., Castagneyrol B., Dulaurent A.M., Samalens J.C., Schlyter F.E. 2015 Effect of tree species diversity on associational resistance to Thaumetopoea pityocampa. In: Roques A. (Ed.). Processionary moths and global change: an update. Springer - Quae: 281-294.
Barbaro L., Charbonnier Y., Vetillard F., Blache S., Battisti A. 2015 Numerical and functional responses of predatory birds and bats to the pine processionary moth. In: Roques A. (Ed.). Processionary moths and global change: an update. Springer - Quae: 325-339.
Charbonnier Y., Barbaro L., Theillout A., Jactel H. 2014 Numerical and functional responses of forest bats to a major insect pest in pine plantations. PLoS ONE 9: e109488.
​Castagneyrol B., Jactel H., Charbonnier Y., Barbaro L., Dulaurent-Mercadal A.M. 2014 Egg mortality in the pine processionary moth: habitat diversity, microclimate and predation effects. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 16: 284-292.
Barbaro L., Giffard B., Charbonnier Y., van Halder I., Brockerhoff E.G. 2014 Bird functional diversity enhances insectivory at forest edges: a transcontinental experiment. Diversity and Distributions 20: 149-159.
Barnagaud J.Y., Barbaro L., Papaïx J., Deconchat M., Brockerhoff E.G. 2014 Habitat filtering by landscape and local forest composition in native and exotic New Zealand birds. Ecology 95: 78-87.
Barnagaud J.Y., Barbaro L., Hampe A., Jiguet F., Archaux F. 2013 Species’ thermal preferences affect forest bird communities along landscape and local scale habitat gradients. Ecography 36: 1218-1226.
Baeten L., Verheyen K., Wirth C., Bruelheide H., Bussotti F., Finér L., Jaroszewicz B., Selvi F., Valladares F., Allan E., Ampoorter E., Auge H., Avăcăriei D., Barbaro L., Bărnoaiea I., Bastias C., Bauhus J., Beinhoff C., Benavides R., et al. 2013 A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of tree species diversity in European forests. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 15: 281-291.
Giffard B., Barbaro L., Jactel H., Corcket E. 2013 Plant neighbours mediate bird predation effects on arthropod abundance and herbivory. Ecological Entomology 38: 448-455.
Barbaro L., Dulaurent A.M., Payet K., Blache S., Vetillard F., Battisti A. 2013 Winter bird numerical responses to a key defoliator in mountain pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management 296: 90-97.
​Martin-Garcia J., Barbaro L., Diez J.J., Jactel H. 2013 Contribution of poplar plantations to bird conservation in riparian landscapes. Silva Fennica 47(4): 1043.
​Barbaro L., Brockerhoff E.G., Giffard B., van Halder I. 2012 Edge and area effects on avian assemblages and insectivory in fragmented native forests. Landscape Ecology 27: 1451-1463.
​Giffard B., Jactel H., Corcket E., Barbaro L. 2012 Influence of surrounding vegetation on insect herbivory: a matter of spatial scale and herbivore specialisation. Basic and Applied Ecology 13: 458-465.
​Giffard B., Corcket E., Barbaro L., Jactel H. 2012 Bird predation enhances tree seedling resistance to insect herbivores in contrasting forest habitats. Oecologia 168: 415–424.
​van Halder I., Barbaro L., Jactel H. 2011 Conserving butterflies in fragmented plantation forests: are edge and interior habitats equally important? Journal of Insect Conservation 15: 591-601.
Barbaro L., Battisti A. 2011 Birds as predators of the pine processionary moth (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). Biological Control 56: 107-114.
Deconchat M., Brockerhoff E.G., Barbaro L. 2009 Effects of surrounding landscape composition on the conservation value of native and exotic habitats for native forest birds. Forest Ecology and Management 258S: S196-S204.
​Barbaro L., van Halder I. 2009 Linking bird, carabid beetle and butterfly life-history traits to habitat fragmentation in mosaic landscapes. Ecography 32: 321-333.